“Smalltalk auf Deutsch”: Ukrainian volunteer project was realised at FAU

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From February to May 2024, Ukrainian volunteers with proficient German language skills organized conversation clubs at Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg for Ukrainian refugees facing language barriers. Kateryna Chebotarova, the driving force behind this initiative, curated a rich variety of language activities for the participants. Her efforts were complemented by two German language teachers: Dr. Maryna Rebenko (FAU Language Center) and Ivanna Bartoschek. It’s worth highlighting that Kateryna also extended the initiative to Fürth and Nüremberg.

The “Smalltalk auf Deutsch” initiative was aimed at providing necessary guidance and support throughout the process of learning German language for Ukrainians who struggle to speak and understand others speaking in German. To make this process as exciting and resultative as possible not only conversation practice, but other techniques were used. The Club meetings involved but were not limited to the following exercises: vocabulary games, grammar-based tasks, listening comprehension, and reading activities. Undoubtedly, there was space for friendly feedback and correction as well.

Furthermore, the German speaking club “Smalltalk auf Deutsch” was not just an educational space, but a right set of circumstances for hosting cultural activities and building a community of likeminded people.

The importance of the German speaking club “Smalltalk auf Deutsch” cannot be underestimated, since it has a tremendous impact on the process of integration of Ukrainians into the local community of Erlangen, Fürth and Nüremberg, as well as facilitates the wider range of opportunities that opens up for participants of the Speaking club when overcoming the language barrier.

The FAU PACT4Ukraine team would like to emphasise our deep appreciation for the volunteer efforts led by Kateryna Chebotarova and look forward to further fruitful cooperation.

Source: Kateryna Chebotarova

Source: Kateryna Chebotarova

Source: Kateryna Chebotarova